21 Starbucks Stores Plan To Form Unions In 1-Day Blitz

Starbucks baristas from 21 stores around the country told the company Tuesday that they plan to organize, potentially adding hundreds of new members to a union campaign that’s battling the coffee chain for first contracts. The union, Workers United, said it is the largest group of Starbucks stores to go public with their organizing plans

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Sind Neon-LED-Schilder energieeffizient?

Sind Neon-LED-Schilder Neon-LED-Schilder sind eine beliebte Wahl für Unternehmen, die nach auffälliger und ansprechender Werbung suchen. Doch eine wichtige Frage, die viele Menschen haben, ist: Sind Neon-LED-Schilder energieeffizient? In diesem Artikel werden wir die Energieeffizienz von Neon-LED-Schildern genauer untersuchen und herausfinden, ob sie eine umweltfreundliche Option sind. Dein Logo als Neon LED Schild – In

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Kroger, Albertsons Allegedly Colluded Against Workers Union

The grocery giants Albertsons and Kroger illegally colluded to weaken workers’ leverage amid strikes and contract negotiations in 2022, according to a lawsuit Colorado’s attorney general filed this week. As workers at 78 Kroger-owned King Soopers stores in Colorado were preparing to walk off the job that January, an Albertsons labor relations executive informed a

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Los Angeles Hotel Strikes Continue After 7 Months

Union workers who have battled dozens of Southern California hotels for new contracts are squaring off with an unlikely holdout: an airport hotel owned by the pension fund of a fellow union. Unite Here Local 11, which represents housekeepers and other hotel workers, has been waging intermittent strikes across Los Angeles to pressure hotel operators

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Trader Joe’s Disputes Union’s Election Victory

Trader Joe’s on Wednesday escalated a fight with union members in Kentucky by filing another appeal of their union’s January 2023 election victory. A regional director for the National Labor Relations Board rejected the company’s objections to the vote to unionize and found that the union, Trader Joe’s United, had won fair and square. But

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