China, Australia announce 5-year multiple-entry visas for tourists and business travellers | Travel

Reuters | | Posted by Zarafshan Shiraz, Beijing China and Australia will provide each other’s citizens with multiple-entry visas of up to five years for tourism and business from Friday, the Chinese foreign ministry said. China, Australia announce 5-year multiple-entry visas for tourists and business travellers (AP Photo/Ariel Ley) The visa arrangement followed a milestone

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US travel alert: Amtrak trains suspended again between New Haven, Philadelphia and New Jersey amid power issue | Travel

Bloomberg | | Posted by Zarafshan Shiraz Amtrak train service between New Haven and Philadelphia and New Jersey Transit commuter lines are suspended while crews work to resolve an overhead power issue, creating massive rush-hour delays for travellers and commuters for the second time this week. US travel alert: Amtrak trains stopped again between New

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