How to remove mould from walls for good without using bleach

As the UK is experiencing unseasonably cold and rainy weather at this time of year it is important to be on the lookout for mould.

Mould can occur in many places in a home as it appears when there is a moisture build-up, which often happens when there is a lack of airflow and temperature fluctuations do not allow a surface to dry.

Chris, a sustainable decorator and founder of Organic & Natural Paint, has shared that mould is most often a problem on walls, but has urged people not to use chemical-based cleaners to try and remove it. 

He said: “I know from experience myself that it can be hard to remove mould from the walls of damp properties, or when you’re renting houses and can’t do much about the house structure, especially when you dread the mould removal job and the stench of chlorine-based toxic sprays.” 

Instead, Chris has shared there is a natural and easy solution to get rid of mould which will not harm the paint or wallpaper on a wall. 

How to naturally remove mould stains from a wall 

To get rid of mould you need three ingredients which are tea tree oil, baking soda and, the star of all-natural cleaning solutions, white vinegar. 

White vinegar is acidic and has antifungal properties which can break down the mould, while tea tree oil has potent antibacterial and antifungal properties which will kill mould spores to prevent it from spreading. 

Chris said: “If you would like to remove those mouldy areas with natural products, here’s what to do. 

“Start with a spray bottle of a mix of water, vinegar and tea tree oil,  this is your classic ‘mould remover’ – you spray this natural eliminator directly onto the areas of black mould, such as on tiles, walls, wood or plastic, interior or exterior.” 

Leave the solution to sit for a least an hour, then wipe it off and apply treat the area with warm water and baking soda, which will form a paste.

Baking soda has a gritty abrasive texture that makes it easier to scrub the mould away while also being alkaline, meaning it is very effective at dissolving tough stains and absorbing moisture. 

Once you have scrubbed away the mould, give the wall a rinse and it should be clean once again.

Chris said: “Once you have taken the mould off, use another clean damp cloth to finish up the job. You’ll now have a mould-free surface you can now take steps to protect it from future build-up.” 

To prevent mould in the future make sure rooms have plenty of ventilation by opening windows when the weather is sunny, also make sure a room is not cluttered and is clean regularly. 

Chris said: “It stands to reason that even with all the mould protector in the world if you have a damp wall and no airflow, you’re going to get some form of mould build up eventually. 

“It’s just inevitable, but most of the time it’s because we’re storing things too close to the wall, boxes, shelves, bookcases, sofas etc, so the wall never has a proper chance to dry out.”

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