Natural way to ‘deter’ wasps ‘keeps pest away’ from your home for good

With warmer weather on the horizon, experts are warning Britons to place wasp deterrents around their homes.

The warmer weather means wasp nests grow larger and they will be foraging for food.

Jamie Jones, founder of Open Space Concepts, warned: “While wasps can set up nests around the exterior of our homes, it’s important to monitor your outdoor living space such as a garden room carefully, as these are often positioned next to nature, making it easier for wasps to gain access to these spaces.

“Typically, we don’t use these spaces as much as the main house, so it can often take longer to detect wasp activity in these areas too.”

All of these hacks Jamie has shared will work for any garden building as well as the home.

1. Plants

For a natural way to “deter” wasps, Jamie recommended planting mint, basil, rosemary, lavender, thyme and sage.

The expert said: “These fragrant herbs have a strong scent that helps to keeps pests away, so consider planting these around your patio, garden rooms and other social spaces.”

2. Scents around entry points

As well as herbs, scents such as citronella, lemongrass, geranium and peppermint oils can also act as a natural repellent.

These commonly come in the form of a candle which can be lit during an alfresco meal, but can also be used as an essential oil.

Jamie explained: “To create a solution, mix 10 to 15 drops of peppermint oil with one cup of water and shake together in a spray bottle.

“Spray the solution around the perimeter of your home and garden, reapplying every few days or before you have guests round if you’re hosting in the garden, to keep wasps away.

“It’s also worth spraying the solution in spots where wasps like to build nests so under porch roofs, window ledges and crevices.”

3. Seal these areas

If there are any small holes in the ground, concrete, patio or pathways, make sure to feel these in as it could be a sign of wasps

Fill any holes with sand to prevent wasps from finding a ready-to-use hole for their nest.

Jamie warned: “It’s also important to regularly inspect your home for any potential entry points.”

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