How does genetic polymorphism affect Alzheimer’s treatments?

This key study explores the influence of CYP2C9 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics (PK) of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its active metabolites in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. Titled ‘A study on CYP2C9 polymorphism, in Puerto Rican Alzheimer’s patients and its role in the Pharmacokinetics of ∆-9-tetrahydrocannabinol,’ it is accessible at the European Society of Medicine website.

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uMotif revolutionizing clinical trials with innovative eCOA solutions

However, the eCOA/ePRO market has seen minimal innovation since the transition from paper-based forms to digital formats two decades ago, leaving a gap in meeting the escalating demand for improved patient reported outcomes driven by heightened regulatory requirements. Speaking on the pressing need for industry-wide transformation, Steve Rosenberg, CEO of eCOA/ePRO provider uMotif, he said:

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uMotif revolutionizing clinical trials with innovative eCOA solutions

However, the eCOA/ePRO market has seen minimal innovation since the transition from paper-based forms to digital formats two decades ago, leaving a gap in meeting the escalating demand for improved patient reported outcomes driven by heightened regulatory requirements. Speaking on the pressing need for industry-wide transformation, Steve Rosenberg, CEO of eCOA/ePRO provider uMotif, he said:

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Creative Qinesca unveiled at DIA – a game changer

Promising to redefine the landscape with its latest solutions, the company hopes to take center stage, offering advancements in data management and patient engagement. Join us for an exclusive preview of how Qinesca is poised to win over the industry and why this unveiling is the must-see event of the conference. Product and Service Innovations:

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GiftHealth’s vow to enhance patient outcomes

John Romano, president, and co-founder, shares exclusive insights into how these innovations are set to tackle industry challenges and enhance patient outcomes. Can you share any new products or services your company is unveiling at this year’s DIA?​ The Gifthealth team continues to innovate and develop tools to improve the medication access journey for patients.

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how CluePoints is transforming research

This was to discuss what they describe as the groundbreaking impact of their Sub-population Optimization & Modeling Solution (SOMS). This cutting-edge technology, he says, integrated with advanced artificial intelligence, is poised to transform the landscape of clinical trials. Here’s what you need to know about how SOMS is setting new standards in trial precision, rescue

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Lokavant unveils AI feasibility solution at DIA 2024

This innovative technology allows study teams to predict, optimize, and control trial timelines and costs in real-time, enabling iterative feasibility analysis and mid-study course correction. By automatically incorporating ongoing financial forecasting, Spectrum dynamically adjusts budgets based on real data, ensuring accurate modeling and efficient trial management. Product and Service Innovations: Can you share any new

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